About Us
Concord Center Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, LLC was established in 2007 to share the healing power of Chinese Medicine with the community and to provide the knowledge for creating a pain free, healthy and balanced life. Concord Center Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine has become a leading provider of holistic family healthcare. With over 25 years of combined experience, our expert care has helped thousands of people on their path to physical and emotional wellness using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
We listen to you. We form a partnership with you. We show you that your body has the power to heal. With our help, you will be able to eliminate or reduce your pain and symptoms, improve your overall health and feel better than you ever have before! You will then be better able to make the healthy choices and changes in your life that you have been wanting to make.
Our tranquil and professional clinic provides a respite from daily stress and welcomes you onto your journey to better physical and emotional health. Whether you are struggling with pain, stress, migraines, allergies, infertility or hot flashes or you have a child with asthma, ADD/ADHD, digestive problems or anxiety, we offer a drug-free, time-tested and natural solution for these problems and many others. We not only help you feel better again but we also empower you and teach you how to keep yourself and your family healthy, naturally.
Watch our video below to meet the practitioners, see our clinic and hear what our patients are saying. Learn how we use acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to naturally relieve your pain and symptoms and correct underlying imbalances that keep you from feeling good, enjoying life and living to your full potential.
Why Choose Us?
1. We listen to you
We believe that what your body tells you and what you tell us, is valuable information. Issues like pain and fatigue are often diminished by conventional medicine. We take your symptoms seriously and give them the attention they deserve.
2. We seek results
With over 25 years of combined experience, we customize your treatment to match your unique presentation and are always evaluating your progress, so that you achieve the best results possible. We practice Balance Method style acupuncture, which is well known for its highly effective treatment of pain, as well as the full spectrum of health issues, without needling directly into the problem area and often providing instantaneous results. We also offer safe and effective herbal medicines so that we can help achieve profound results for all our patients, especially those with chronic ailments or those looking for non-needle treatment options.
3. We have a beautiful and professional clinic
Our clinic and treatment rooms offer confidentiality, heated tables, serene quietness and views of conservation land in a soothing yet professional clinical setting.
4. We are your advocate
As holistic medical providers we help you understand when you are best treated with acupuncture or herbal medicine and when it would be best for you to pursue conventional or other complimentary treatments. We are committed to helping you get better and stay healthy, by forming a partnership with you and giving you the knowledge and tools to take care of your own health!